Project Overview
Hopper Avenue is an important roadway connecting the Coffey Park Neighborhood in northwest Santa Rosa to Highway 101. During the October 2017 wildfires, Hopper Avenue experienced damage from both the fire and post-fire during the debris removal process. To support fire recovery efforts, in July 2021, the city council unanimously voted to dedicate a portion of the PG&E settlement funds towards recovery improvements along the Hopper Avenue Corridor, between Highway 101 and Coffey Lane.
The first phase of the Hopper Avenue Recovery Improvements project will focus on community engagement, gathering community input through community meetings and online surveys. Feedback will then be applied to inform the final design improvements of the recovery project creating a roadway design that reflects the vision of the community.
Project Map

Project Improvements May Include:
Various forms of travel will be accommodated, including pedestrians, bicycles, and vehicles.
Medians or other traffic-calming measures.
Pedestrian crossings, especially to encourage access to Piner Creek Trail
Sidewalk expansions
Enhanced pedestrian crossings
Drought tolerant landscaping

Overall Project Timeline
Project Benefits
This project will restore a major road that connects the Coffey Park neighborhood to Hwy 101, encouraging community healing from the devastating wildfires.
Answers the call by residents to restore the area and invest back into the community.
Provides safe routes from the neighborhood to businesses and Hwy 101.
Increased transit use, along with more pedestrian and bicycle trips, will result in greenhouse gas reductions for the city.

Community Engagement
Community engagement is at the heart of this project. The Hopper Avenue Corridor Public Engagement Plan is a dynamic and flexible plan that collaborates with key stakeholder organizations and community members throughout the community during key milestones of the project. Due to the importance of engagement to envision the possibilities for this project, the project team sets out to provide meaningful outreach and stakeholder participation

The goal of the outreach is to:
Engage as many of the residents, community-based organizations, and other stakeholders in the community as possible
Provide information to the community regarding project impact, benefits and timing
Provide opportunities to contribute input on the process, design and neighborhood compatibility
Public engagement will be accomplished using a variety of strategies (both in-person and virtually) to encourage as many people involved in the process as possible. Outreach will be conducted through this website, online surveys, meetings, workshops, and outreach directly to key stakeholders.
Sign up below to stay up to date on upcoming engagement opportunities including our next community meeting anticipated to be held Feb. 2023.

Frequently Asked Questions
Why is the City of Santa Rosa doing this project?
The Tubbs Fire damaged Hopper Avenue. Now with PG&E settlement funds, the City can invest in the reconstruction of this roadway. This also presents an opportunity to reimagine the corridor and to obtain community input, ensuring the redesign fits the needs and vision of the neighborhood.
How will this project be funded?
The City of Santa Rosa received funds as result of a settlement with PG&E regarding the October 2017 wildfire. A portion of these funds is being set aside for this project, as voted unanimously by the Santa Rosa City Council in July 2021.

When will construction start?
This is the very first phase of the project, community engagement and soliciting community input. Thereafter, the City will undergo the design process, then approvals (including environmental approval), and then finally construction can begin. There are too many factors to share a meaningful date right now, but the actual construction is expected to start in 2024.
What are the project limits?
The Hopper Avenue Corridor Fire Recovery Improvements Project only covers the section of Hopper Avenue between the 101 South entrance and Coffey Lane. Please see the project map above.